traveling in USA


In United States, I have been on a traveling spree since I cleared immigration for the first time in March 2012. As a kid I always wanted to travel and experience something new – new culture, new places, new people, new traditions, new religions and new cuisines, and this is exactly what United States offers to someone like me – A born Traveler. Visiting big cities like New-York, San-Francisco, Los-Angeles, etc and living in Chicago is much more than a dream come true. Few of the most defining moments of this awesome journey have been – driving convertible on Golden Gate bridge in San-Francisco, visit to NASA in Orlando, cruise ride to Statue of Liberty in New-York, drive through Beverly Hills in Los-Angeles, gambling at Casino in Las Vegas, close encounter with Niagara Falls and experiencing surreal Chicago. Best thing about traveling in US is that you never feel far away from you home, from your loved ones. It is hospitality of people which will amaze you the most. US has everything a traveler might think of – dry desert, big lakes, rocky mountains, chromatic oceans, lonely islands, rowdy waterfall, huge skyscrapers, mesmerizing sunsets and a large bunch of crazy peoples. I still have lot of places left in my book to cover. I will keep on sharing my experiences, till then plan a trip to US and experience diversity.